Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Episode 4 - Alan Moore, Iran, and Starman

Finished up episode 4. It seems like every week I slip one day, but, hopefully, I can put a stop to that next week. I think I figured out which microphone and setup works the best for sound quality. Hopefully, this episode sounds the best so far. Let me know what you think.

Been reading my Fantastic Four run. I started with issue 86, which is my only Lee and Kirby issue. You know, with everyone bitching about Eaglesham drawing Reed so buff in the new FF book, they need to go back and check out how Kirby drew him. He's pretty stout. I think Byrne must have slimmed him down, and set the standard from that point forward. People need to learn their history, Eaglesham is just taking him back to they way he was.

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